The value of travelling by【 INASHIKI NEST】が考える旅の価値とは

The purpose and way of traveling and who you are going with is different for each person; family trips, trips with friends, solo trips, etc. 
I love traveling alone and have had many experiences traveling abroad, however, I’m not interested in drinking, making a fuss, or lavish meals or hotels.
Of course, visiting major tourist destinations, seeing beautiful scenery, and eating delicious local food are essential parts of my trip. Traveling alone is very exciting and I can make plans freely. I’m also free to decide when I wake up and what I do for the day.
This is one of the greatest benefits of traveling alone.
However, when I look back on my past travels, what I remember most was the interaction with people I wouldn’t have met if I hadn’t been there at that time, rather than the beautiful scenery and food.







Let me share with you some examples. I had many encounters with interesting people when I went to Hawaii.When I went there alone, I worried that it wasn’t a place for solo travel. However, I met an American woman at a restaurant and we talked together. She was also on vacation in Hawaii alone and was planning to see her Canadian friend there. She was really sociable and friendly so I wanted to talk to her more and asked to join their women’s trip in Hawaii. She really agreed willingly, and when we headed to her friend’s place together, we encountered Cambodian travelers who were lost on the way.  The sociable American woman decided to take the Cambodian travelers to their destination. Then, when we arrived at their destination, they wanted to have a cup of tea with us to show their appreciation, so we all went to the place where the Canadian friend was waiting. She was surprised but we fully enjoyed our conversation with five people. After that, the Cambodian travelers thanked us and said goodbye.








Then, when I told them I wanted to go to a beautiful and less crowded beach, the American woman said that if we rented a car, we could go to the beautiful beach, so we decided to rent a car and went to the beach the next day together. We arrived at the beach where there were few people and only local children. The sea was very beautiful, quiet and uncrowded. The sunset was so beautiful that it was an indescribable orange color.
If I hadn’t met them, I couldn’t have been there. I also had a lot of conversations with them.
Their work styles were very interesting and that made me realize that there are various life styles and ways of working. Meeting them made my solo trip a wonderful time.





Another example. When I went to the mountains of Bali, Indonesia, I found out that an elementary school was near my homestay and asked if I could participate in an English class. Luckily, I could join the English class with local children, where we talked in English, and I was able to interact with very shy and curious students. That experience was fun and valuable.
他にもあります。 インドネシアのバリ島の山奥に行った時、小学校が近くにあることを知り、英語の授業に参加させてもらうことはできないか聞いてみたら、写真を取らなければOKとのことで、参加させてもらうことに。 現地の子供達の英語の授業に参加したり、英語で自分もみんなに話をしたり、好奇心旺盛でありながら、とてもシャイな学生たちとの交流はとても貴重で楽しいものでした。

My way of traveling is deciding a few plans and mostly enjoying interacting with people who I wouldn’t have met if I hadn’t been there at that time.(I traveled more than 20 countries so the stories are just some of them. 😉 )

I think the way of traveling is worthy.

There are many awesome places in the world, including Japan. I think it’s nice to have our favorite areas and make friends all over the world.

It would be great if the countryside around Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan could be one of your favorite areas in the future and have valuable encounters with locals and travelers at the farm inn guesthouse INASHIKI NEST.




茨城県周辺の素朴な田舎の地域が、国内外において、多くの好きな場所の一つとなり、そして何より、また会いたいと思う素敵な出会いや繋がりのきっかけに、INASHIKI NESTが少しでも貢献できると嬉しいです。

My friends’ restaurant “Once farm ” in Thailand. In front of the restaurant they grow organic vegetables. Highly recommended!私の友人経営の目の前の畑で育てたオーガニック野菜を使ったレストランOnceFarm。最高の場所です!タイに行った際に立ち寄ってみてください。

INASHIKI NESTを立ち上げる際、影響を受けているドイツでの活動していた時の寄稿記事です。

以前グリーンズにて、難民問題を解決する社会彫刻として、「グランドホテル・コスモポリス」についての記事が掲載されました。 ここグランドホテルコスモポリスの大きな特
難民問題への新しい取り組み「ソーシャル スカルプチャー(社会彫刻)」
ドイツ第三の都市ミュンヘンから電車で約40分、人口約27万人。古き歴史を感じさせる都市、アウグスブルクに、社会的かつアーティスティックな活動をおこなっている「グランドホテル コスモポリス」があります。